Klein’s Duo Duo in Asian Cha

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The new issue of Cha: An Asian Literary Journal is now live, and with it my translations of two new poems by Duo Duo 多多, “A Fine Breeze Comes” 好风来 and “Light Coming from Before, Sing: Leave” 从前来的光,唱:离去.

tomorrow’s already past
already offered
the past is still unknown
already spokenthe limit belongs to you
nobody can have that name

已经说出 止境属于你

Also in the issue are Bonnie McDougall’s translations of poems by Ng Mei-kwan 吳美筠, Jennifer Feeley’s translation of fiction by Xi Xi 西西, fiction by Eileen Chang 張愛玲 translated by Jane Weizhen Pan & Martin Merz, and Matt Turner reviewing Paul French and Kaitlin Solimine and Eleanor Goodman reviewing Richard Berengarten.
Click the image above to get to the issue.

China Rhyming on Path Light

My copy of Path Light just arrived in the mail yesterday, but it got too beat-up in the mail from Beijing to take a photo of (and this despite the bubble-wrap envelope!), so I won’t give you a shot of my translation of Xi Chuan’s “Looking at the Mural in the Ruicheng Temple of Eternal Joy” 观芮城永乐宫壁画 on the back cover.

Instead, I’ll post a link to Paul French‘s write-up on his China Rhyming blog.