Epsians #4

Epsians #4 is now out. Here’s the table of contents:

Li Zeng, Cui Dan
The Shaping of Chinese Modern Poetry by English Romantic Poetry: A Case Study of Xiang Zhu’s Poetry / 1

 Liu Chun
“Undo Thin Hearte”: The Treatment of the Ubi Sunt Theme in Medieval Penitential Lyrics / 23

Zhang Pinggong
Literary Work vs. Cultural Assumption: Illustrating Some Caribbean and English Writers and Texts / 35

J.H. Prynne
John Keats, ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’:Study Note /49

Wang Zuyou
The English Language Haiku Poet and Mentor: An Interview with Lenard D. Moore / 87

Li Zhimin
Editorial Memoir: A Life Choice /101

Ou Hong
Some Notes on EPSIANS /109

Click the image above for a .pdf of the issue (from Jacket2).