The new issue of Asian Cha is here, along with Iris Fan’s poem “In Memory of Leung Ping-Kwan [梁秉鈞]”
no southern terra other than this one
where once a painter dreamed of water
rising from an ancient river flooding his farm
And Hongkong poet Wong Leung Wo’s 王良和 “An Ode to the Tree Roots: Part III” 樹根三頌之三 as translated by Jessica Siu-yin Yeung:
In the first place, the desire to bloom hid in the seed
Becoming the source of strength for itself to struggle and to grow taller, to consider endlessly
Bursting into a luminous point of fixation開花的欲望早藏在種子裡
The issue also includes Yeung’s translation of a suite of poems by Wang Zang 王藏, apprehended for organizing a poetry event in support of the umbrella uprising.
From this day on, be a happy person.
Defend your rights happily, talk and act happily
Even though you live forever in the land of sorrow.真的
For these poems and many others, click on the image above.