Plume #9

The new issue of Plume is here, with new work by Andrei Codrescu (“way too human too fast way too boring too quick”), Rosmarie Waldrop (“The line between water and grammar.”), Lydia Davis, translating the Dutch of A. L. Snijders (“I’m very fond of
coincidence, and so when I thought about it again I was not surprised that the first bang occurred after the word ‘fired.'”), and more.

Click here for my translation of Xi Chuan’s “The Ant’s Plunder” 蚂蚁劫, published in Plume last November.

New Publication

The new issue of Plume is up, with excellent new pieces from the likes of Cole Swensen and Georg Trakl (translated by Mark Wunderlich). And Xi Chuan, in my translation of “The Ant’s Plunder” 蚂蚁劫 (according to Daniel Lawless’s Editor’s Note, their “first work from a Chinese poet”). Plume only publishes twelve pieces a month, so their dedication of space to Xi Chuan is all the more exciting.

Thanks to Steve Bradbury for pointing me to Plume!