Tinfish Press of the Month at SPD

Tinfish Press

Tinfish Press, which published the Xi Chuan chapbook Yours Truly & Other Poems, is Press of the Month at Small Press Distribution. Click the image for 40% Off Selected Titles and more information.

More on Tinfish:

Tinfish Press publishes experimental poetry from the Pacific Region.

Tinfish has been called “one of the great small presses of the United States” (Ron Silliman). Hank Lazer notes that “Tinfish Press most definitely increases a reader’s sense of the highly specific, highly localized terms of composition.” Marie Carvalho writes that Tinfish “vibes on [a] irreverent cross-cultural mix of language, vision, viewpoint and design.”

Founded in 1995, Tinfish published 20 issues of a journal (now discontinued), as well as numerous chapbooks and full length collections. Their mission has been to inspire conversations between a diverse, far-flung group of writers.

Tinfish is particularly interested in language issues in Hawai`i and the Pacific and has published books in and including Pidgin (Hawaiian Creole English), Samoan, Tagalog, Hawaiian, and Chamorro. While Tinfish does not publish writers for their ethnic or gender identities, they have been leaders in publishing experimental work by Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, native Hawaiians, Euro-Americans from Hawai`i and others.